Saturday, February 18, 2006

Saturday 18 February - Collapsing Cloches

Mel had Thursday off work this week and called into Allotment 21 to check for signs of life in the greenhouse. Unfortunately nothing had germinated and our plastic cloches had been decimated in the windy weather. Having no wellies with her she had left them as they were.

I called up this afternoon to salvage the bits of wire and retrieve pieces of plastic cloche from next door's Brussels sprouts. The soil is so wet that it would be almost impossible to dig there today. Luckily the fleecy cloches were much tougher and had survived intact which means the shallots and garlic are still protected from the birds.

Good news was also lurking in the greenhouse where the Mizuna seeds are sprouting - we have life on Allotment 21.

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