Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuesday 11th April - Another Visit From Sister

The school holidays are here and Sister decided to show both Nephew and her 4x4 what mud looks like and to demonstrate that vegetables grow out of it. Neither have ever seen much of either.

Nephew helped us plant potatoes while Sister, worried about her hairdo and concerned for her manicure, took shelter in the greenhouse and read the papers.


Greenmantle said...

Joking aside...A really great family photo.

clairesgarden said...

is your sister well off? is she a good consumer? marvellous, point her in the direction of any garden centre with a long list. if your stuck for things I have an unfulfilled list here. . . .

Frankie said...

She's married to a Car Dealer! Yes, she can shop for England and we are complete opposites.

Frankie said...

...she loves to pose.

Frankie said...

Being her younger sister, I am obliged to tell you that her middle name is Norma and that her feet smell.

I also made a good income from her old boyfriends who used to have to pay me to go away!!!

Nothing changes.

Marta Maria said...

Interresting thoughts