Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday 14th October - Mary Gardens

We went out to dinner last night with some very old friends who had seen and admired Sister's new veg plot. They were not at all surprised when I told them that Sister regularly buys lettuces from Sainsburys to place on the raised beds.

Sister has decided that Nephew should attend a Catholic secondary school because she regularly goes to church (C.of E.) on Christmas Eve after the pub closes. Keen to impress, Sister is now showing a keen interest in all things popeish. I have suggested a Mary Garden.


Anonymous said...

Cripes! All that talk of religion etc. She's not doing the Madonna bottle trick is she?!

Frankie said...

The Madonna bottle trick? She would if she could±

Gordon Mason said...

Think it's about time Sister got a blog of her own, then she can fight back?

Frankie said...

It would be all abour plastic surgery, the Sound of Music and shopping!

Bob said...

Ha ha thats shocking about the lettuces, how can such a religious person do something like that!!