Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday 13th March - Rhubarb

I am pleased to report that Allotment 21 is officially on the rhubarb bandwagon as reported in Anything but Sprouts and Horticultural. In our case by accident rather than design as this was the only identifiable edible plant on the plot when we took over. Spouse spotted it first and Mel rescued it by moving it before the shed covered it.

Witness our specimen yesterday bravely appearing through the snow. Not sure if the snow is a good thing or bad thing for rhubarb and Spouse reckons we should cover it with manure. Now it is a prized trendy plant I am sure we will be fighting over custardy...

(from the Den school of punnery!)


Anonymous said...

Look after that rhubarb carefully - don't dessert it...

Frankie said...

You're right Den, I won't let my reputation crumble.

Frankie said...

I will be pud ding it under a rhubarb forcer this weekend!

Anonymous said...

It's not all pie-in-the-sky, you know, to hope this story ends with happy-ever-afters. Then we'd all be a-moose-d - or maybe just a trifle deaf. Sorbet about all that.

Frankie said...

Don't be a fool.

Anonymous said...

Cobblers to the lot of you! Stop this wine-ing and back to work.

Frankie said...

I'd be very surprised if Sister punned.

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to think of something

Anonymous said...

1.Good to see it's all going according to flan

2. Lady Penelope: I'll just ring for Parker - I want some more of that lovely fluffed-up egg-white dessert, over a lemon-flavoured base.....(rings bell to summon her manservant)
Parker (entering with a tray): Meringue, m'lady?

3. I'm sorry about the above, it's been a hard day, and I'm running out of inspiration. So my currant ability's a bit low. I hope to be raisin my standards again soon...

Anonymous said...

den i bet you're beet after that lot, a right turnip for the books, i think you should take a rest in a nice comfrey chair...