Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday 11th September - Shed

It's 9/11 today which is AKA my birthday. Have requested Andalucian shed with olive trees for the allotment. Do not hold out much hope though.


Anonymous said...

A wonderful birthday to you!

clodhopper said...

Many happy whotsits. Hope you had a great day.
PS: Shed's in the post.

She Who Digs said...

Hey we share a birthday!! Hope you had a good day. We both took the day off and went to Thorpe Park to ride the big rollercoaster rides and scream a lot (me not he who doesn't dig!)- Brilliant!
What topped it off was in the evening, taking delivery of a huge pile of old carpet to smother the weeds on my plot, as I just can't keep up with them and am reluctant to keep spraying.
Hope you had a good day! (did you get your shed??)

Petunia's Gardener said...

Happy Birthday! An olive in a martini will do perhaps? Mine is Friday. I'll take the martini and skip the olive.

Frankie said...

Thanks, it was really nice. The clock can start going backwards from now!